The PMF Gala Ball on Saturday 19th October 2024

We’re thrilled to invite you to the Grand Gala Autumn Ball, Dinner and Charity Auction at the fabulous Eden Project. Hosted by the Peninsula Medical Foundation, in aid of local Brain Tumour Research.

Join us for another fantastic night raising money for an incredible cause, including a 3-course meal and entertainment. Tables of 10 at £650.

The Evening…

Thank you if you are considering or have already purchased a table.  It is a great opportunity to treat family, friends or colleagues for a special night out in a marvellous setting.  The reception is timed so that weather permitting we can stand and watch the superb autumn colours of a Cornish sunset from one of the most beautiful spots in the South West.

Anticipating that distance may be a factor for some, why not make the party an excuse for a week-end break. Links to local accommodation and transport.

Read on….


The Trustees are appealing for a number of generous individuals and businesses to contribute to the evening – either by donating a prize in kind to be auctioned or raffled. Or to fund an element of the associated costs. Read more about sponsorship here.

If you are inclined to help in any such way, we would love to hear from you either directly on 07836755623 or by email,  or you can sponsor using this link.

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